Monday, May 7, 2012

I've been AWOL

 This plant is my "bridal veil". It was gorgeous this year.

 I've not posted in a few weeks. My mother was in the hospital and we thought we were going to lose her. She is now home and doing well. Please remember her in your prayers.

I love these elephant ears. I have several different kinds and I'll be posting their pictures. This is one of my favorites and one that my daughter, Tiffy, gave me last year.

My irises are finished blooming and my peonies are on their way out. I had a lot of irises that did not bloom this year. Anyone else had this problem? My peonies were gorgeous and I believe I got some pictures of them so I'll post them later.

About Me

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Princeton, Kentucky, United States
I live in Western KY which is Zone 6. I am an avid gardener. I do this in my spare time as I am a wife, mother, grandmother to 4 and work full time outside the home. My favorite flowers to grow are unusual flowers, shrubs and bulbs. In the spring I like to spend my weekends visiting nurseries to find unusual things to plant.