Friday, June 28, 2013

some of my favorites

Some of  my favorites this year
We bought this at the Memonite Farmer's Market in Cerulean. It finished (I thought) blooming a couple of weeks after we planted it. I was so surprised and pleased when I saw new bus and blooms on it. It is about 2 1/2 or so feet tall and does not fall down like the taller ones.
Bee Balm
Bee Balm

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Update on last year's new flower bed

Update on the New Flower Bed      click on the link to see pictures of this flower bed last year.

I got this bench from a friend on the Princeton Yard Sale page on Facebook. The rocks are from the creek at Mom and Dad's place.
I moved the birdbath from the back of the yard to this bed. It looks much better here. 
This deranged rabbit was a gift to my Mom from her Sunday School class. Creepy, the eyes seem to follow you where ever you go.... 
Before we put the stepping stones from the creek down. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

First from the garden

I was pleasantly surprised to find these when I went out to check the garden tonight. Last year our radishes had good tops but nothing on the bottom. I may have got three radishes last year.

About Me

My photo
Princeton, Kentucky, United States
I live in Western KY which is Zone 6. I am an avid gardener. I do this in my spare time as I am a wife, mother, grandmother to 4 and work full time outside the home. My favorite flowers to grow are unusual flowers, shrubs and bulbs. In the spring I like to spend my weekends visiting nurseries to find unusual things to plant.