Friday, August 10, 2012

Update on the New Flower Bed

We've bought 2 loads of mulch from Davis' Greenhouse for the flower bed. It really looks great!

Not quite finished with it but we're getting there.


Potted Plants

                                                   I've had this pot for about 3 years now. My daughter
                                                   said it looks like it's Whoopie Goldberg's hair. Now
                                                   every time I look at it I seee Whoopie!

                                          Got this one this spring. Don't know what it's called.

                                          A cat whisker that volunteered in one of my flower pots.

                                              This purple is such a pretty color

                                          I bought this Dragon Wing Begonia about a month ago
                                          at Davis' Greenhouse.

I've already posted some pictures of this, but I love it!

I bought this fern at the Farmer's Market in Cadiz for $8.00
It's much bigger and prettier than the one I got at WalMart this spring
for 10.96!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


                                          Love this color combination.

                                         My lower deck. I used to have a water garden on this deck.
                                         It eventually sprung a leak so we drained the water and filled
                                         it with potting soil. I have planted various plants in it. Right now
                                         I have a hosta, cannas, caster bean, bee balm and a few other plants.

                                          Ferns and hostas

                                          Some succulents that I planted this spring. I'll have to bring
                                          them inside in a couple of months.

Friday, August 3, 2012

New Flower Bed

 This is what my yard next door looked like in June. During a visit to my sister, we went to a lady's house that grows and sells day lillies. She had a gorgeous garden in her back yard. Her garden is what got me thinking about making a new flower bed. I just hope that mine will turn out as good as her has.
 Nick worked his butt off digging up the grass. He and Kenneth helped me plant some flowers in it. Hopefully they will survive with this drought. At least we got 1 2/10 inch of rain last night. We bought one load of mulch last Saturday and will have to buy another load tomorrow. I'll take more pictures of it then.

About Me

My photo
Princeton, Kentucky, United States
I live in Western KY which is Zone 6. I am an avid gardener. I do this in my spare time as I am a wife, mother, grandmother to 4 and work full time outside the home. My favorite flowers to grow are unusual flowers, shrubs and bulbs. In the spring I like to spend my weekends visiting nurseries to find unusual things to plant.