Friday, December 14, 2012

1st Attempt at a Deco Mesh Christmas Wreath

The wreath pictured above is my first attempt at a deco mesh wreath. I think it turned out pretty well, all things considered. I do like it and think it looks really good hanging on the mirror of the old dresser. I used a whole roll of the red mesh and about 1/2 or a little more of the plaid mesh. I also got some narrower red stiff stuff at Hobby lobby that I put on there. I don't remember what is was called, butI think it really added to the overall look. I put this on a wire wreath form that I bought here in Princeton's at Ann's. I added little doodads that I bought at Hobby Lobby. This is going to be a "wreath Christmas".

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Moon Lillies and Rose of Sharons

 The above picture is of my moon lilies. I had planted them there last year but they didn't do much. We didn't have much of a winter so they came back up this spring. They were huge and beautiful. They had about 13 in bloom one night.
 WalMart had some plants on clearance sale. They had little hanging pots of the plant pictured above for $1.00. I bought three of them, babied them for a bit and then replanted them in a large pot. They turned oput beautiful, don't you think??
 I decided to buy these little succulents at WalMart. They were single purchases. I also bought the pot and potted them all together.
 The picture above and below are my hummingbird vines.The hummingbirds love them. They are slow to come up in the spring. A lot of years it's Memorial Day weekend before I see any coming up, but by the 4th of July they are covering everything.

 The picture above and the two below are of one of my Rose of Sharon tree/bush. It had gotten to where it wasn't looking good so I gut it back to within a foot of the ground a year or so ago. This year it was the prettiest it has ever bee. I cut them back from time to time and it really helps them.

Today when I went home for lunch, I noticed that the frost had got my morning glories on the front fence. I always hate to see everything die.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

More pictures taken at Nanny's

                                           Gabe and Trayton sittin on one of the huge rocks
                                          Nick and Trayton standing on the rocks
                                           View looking at the house from the creek

                                           Creek Bed
                                          Trayton by the rocks

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Tribute to Nanny

On August 19, 2012 my Mom "Nanny" lost her battle with lymphoma. The pictures in this post are from the place she loved most in the world: her home. It's the place where us three girls grew up. One of my sisters got married in the front yard. I had my wedding reception in the front yard. It's just home. We wouldn't know what to do if we didn't have it to come home to.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Update on the New Flower Bed

We've bought 2 loads of mulch from Davis' Greenhouse for the flower bed. It really looks great!

Not quite finished with it but we're getting there.


Potted Plants

                                                   I've had this pot for about 3 years now. My daughter
                                                   said it looks like it's Whoopie Goldberg's hair. Now
                                                   every time I look at it I seee Whoopie!

                                          Got this one this spring. Don't know what it's called.

                                          A cat whisker that volunteered in one of my flower pots.

                                              This purple is such a pretty color

                                          I bought this Dragon Wing Begonia about a month ago
                                          at Davis' Greenhouse.

I've already posted some pictures of this, but I love it!

I bought this fern at the Farmer's Market in Cadiz for $8.00
It's much bigger and prettier than the one I got at WalMart this spring
for 10.96!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


                                          Love this color combination.

                                         My lower deck. I used to have a water garden on this deck.
                                         It eventually sprung a leak so we drained the water and filled
                                         it with potting soil. I have planted various plants in it. Right now
                                         I have a hosta, cannas, caster bean, bee balm and a few other plants.

                                          Ferns and hostas

                                          Some succulents that I planted this spring. I'll have to bring
                                          them inside in a couple of months.

Friday, August 3, 2012

New Flower Bed

 This is what my yard next door looked like in June. During a visit to my sister, we went to a lady's house that grows and sells day lillies. She had a gorgeous garden in her back yard. Her garden is what got me thinking about making a new flower bed. I just hope that mine will turn out as good as her has.
 Nick worked his butt off digging up the grass. He and Kenneth helped me plant some flowers in it. Hopefully they will survive with this drought. At least we got 1 2/10 inch of rain last night. We bought one load of mulch last Saturday and will have to buy another load tomorrow. I'll take more pictures of it then.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Heat Wave

It was so hot the last week of June and the first week of July. The temperature was well over 100 degrees every day. Here is a picture of one of the squirrels that we feed. It was so pitiful and hot it was just collapsed on the limb of the tree. He or she is on the bottom limb on the left, right by the trunk of the tree. This wasn't the first time that week that we saw a squirrel in this position. Have ya'll ever saw a squirrel doing this?

If anyone out there is reading this.....

If you're reading this, please leave a comment.....thanks.....

Vegetable Garden

Since we had such an early spring we got stared on our garden a lot earlier than wer usually do. We planted green onion, radishes, lettuce, cucumbers, green peppers and tomatoes. As you can see, they are doing great. I have never had tomatoes do this good. I don't know if it was because we planted early or if we planted during the right sign of the moon.

It could be because I planted these zinnias at the edge of the garden (from seed). I had read that if you plant zennias, it will attract bees and they will polinate your veggies. I can't say what it was that has my garden producing so much, but I will be planting zinnias each year at the edge of my garden.

About Me

My photo
Princeton, Kentucky, United States
I live in Western KY which is Zone 6. I am an avid gardener. I do this in my spare time as I am a wife, mother, grandmother to 4 and work full time outside the home. My favorite flowers to grow are unusual flowers, shrubs and bulbs. In the spring I like to spend my weekends visiting nurseries to find unusual things to plant.