Saturday, July 28, 2012

Heat Wave

It was so hot the last week of June and the first week of July. The temperature was well over 100 degrees every day. Here is a picture of one of the squirrels that we feed. It was so pitiful and hot it was just collapsed on the limb of the tree. He or she is on the bottom limb on the left, right by the trunk of the tree. This wasn't the first time that week that we saw a squirrel in this position. Have ya'll ever saw a squirrel doing this?

If anyone out there is reading this.....

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Vegetable Garden

Since we had such an early spring we got stared on our garden a lot earlier than wer usually do. We planted green onion, radishes, lettuce, cucumbers, green peppers and tomatoes. As you can see, they are doing great. I have never had tomatoes do this good. I don't know if it was because we planted early or if we planted during the right sign of the moon.

It could be because I planted these zinnias at the edge of the garden (from seed). I had read that if you plant zennias, it will attract bees and they will polinate your veggies. I can't say what it was that has my garden producing so much, but I will be planting zinnias each year at the edge of my garden.

New Small Flower Bed

Since the city dug out the ditch between our fence and the street, it has been hard to mow. We decided to plant some flowers there so we wouldn't have to mow between the fence and the ditch. We bought bags of garden soil at WalMart to get us started. Then we started planting. Mostly seeds, but a few plants. Here are some pictures when we first started.

This picture was taken after the it was a little established. We put landscape fabric down (big mistake) and put the garden soil on top of it.

These pictures were taken 2 weeks ago. As you can see everything grew very fast. It has taken a LOT of water during this drought. We went and bought a 300 gallon water container so we can haul water to water this flower bed and our garden. It only cost 25 cents for 75 gallons of water and the place we get the water is only 3 blocks away. Can't beat that....

The top picture is of one of my favorite flowers, touch me nots. After the blooms fade little pods appear. If you touch them after they "ripen" they will split open and the seeds will fall out.
I noticed this morning while I was out that I have some burgundy cosmos blooming and I'll try to get some pictures of these and post them.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Spring Flowers

                                        They only bloom for a few days, but they are beautiful
                                         when they are in bloom.
                                          My peony. Love this color. They were gorgeous this year.

                                                      My favorite iris. Almost black it was so dark.

                                          My first peony. This peony is at least 25 years old. It took it forever to
                                          bloom good. It was getting too much shade. Remember if your peonys
                                          are getting enough sun and still not blooming, you could have them
                                          planted too deep. They need to be planted no more that 2" deep.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My Deck off the Sunroom

I spend a lot of time on this deck. The last picture was taken in July of last year. As you can see on the bottom left of the picture, how much that plant has grown.

Friday, July 20, 2012

I'm trying to do a little catch up since it's been so long since I posted. The top two pictures are of my other wisteria by the sunroom. It's a different kind from the one out front. It was beautiful this year. This is the third year we've had it. The bottom picture is of my Mock Orange. Every few years we have to cut it down and let it grow back up.

About Me

My photo
Princeton, Kentucky, United States
I live in Western KY which is Zone 6. I am an avid gardener. I do this in my spare time as I am a wife, mother, grandmother to 4 and work full time outside the home. My favorite flowers to grow are unusual flowers, shrubs and bulbs. In the spring I like to spend my weekends visiting nurseries to find unusual things to plant.